  • What is My LDS Preschool?


    My LDS Preschool is a home-based preschool curriculum, specifically designed to teach gospel principles with a traditional preschool curriculum. This can be done individually as a family or together in groups of families called preschool co-ops.


  • I absolutely love this! What do I do next?


    If you think that My LDS Preschool would be perfect for your child, then the first thing you should do is subscribe to our message list and let us know. You will be kept up to date with important information and notified of free content. 


    Once you have subscribed to our email list by filling out the subscription form above,  you will be sent a link to a full week’s worth of teaching material. We will never give or sell your information, and it’s easy to unsubscribe if our program doesn’t fit what you’re looking for.  So go ahead, subscribe above and download our 2 lesson plans with accompanying printables to check out our curriculum for yourself.


    Share My LDS Preschool with your friends and family through social media and word of mouth!

    My LDS Preschool was designed for either individual families or for groups of families teaching together in co-ops. If you think you and your friends would like to form a co-op and work together team teaching your preschool children then tell them about My LDS Preschool. Form a co-op with your friends and get started. My LDS Preschool makes it easy!

  • Subscribe to our mailing list

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  • My LDS Preschool membership includes...

    • Access to our private community website where our content and support forums are hosted.
    • Versatile curriculum designed for current preschool educational standards with a focus on gospel principles, literature, and value concepts.
    • Easy step-by-step lesson plans.
    • Printable activities.

  • My LDS Preschool is budget friendly!

    My LDS Preschool was created by mothers who understand that the education you choose to provide for your preschooler should be based on the content, not its price tag. Membership is a one time enrollment cost. There are no ‘sign up’ fees or recurring monthly, or even yearly expenses.  Once you have paid for your curriculum’s membership, your family will have lifetime access to our membership site and curriculum content. See our membership page for more details.


    • $98Preschool Curriculum
      Individual Family Lifetime Membership


      • Full 28 week curriculum with 2 lessons each week for a total of 56 lessons
      • Printables for activities and learning
      • Instructional videos to help you through the process
      • Access to our private, exclusive Facebook community (connect with other teaching parents and the My LDS Preschool team)
  • Join!

    My LDS Preschool has launched! Join now to access our member site and begin teaching your preschooler today!
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