  • Multi-ethinic arms outstretched to ask questions.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does My LDS Preschool stand out from other preschool programs and online resources?

    Our preschool program teaches Book of Mormon stories and LDS gospel principles. We also include great quality children’s literature based on a weekly learning concept related to our scripture story of the week. Our curriculum includes the fundamentals of school preparedness through ABC’s, math, science, language, handwriting, and socialization. We have all the resources you would search for online included in our lesson plans, so there is no need to buy separate curriculums or spend time searching for printables. Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate and creates a fun learning experience for children and parents.

    How do I form a My LDS Preschool co-op group?

    Send an email to friends with preschool aged children you think may be interested in participating in a co-op group or post a message on Facebook to ask if any friends with children 3-to 5-years-old are interested in joining you in this wonderful experience. If you would like, feel free to copy and paste the information below

    I found a new home-based LDS preschool curriculum specifically designed to teach gospel principles alongside a traditional preschool curriculum. Take a look at their website at www.MyLDSPreschool.com. It’s really affordable and the lesson plans make it easy for busy parents to teach. Would you be interested in joining me in creating a My LDS Preschool co-op?

    We have found a group of 4 to 6 children including your own child works best for both the hosting parents and the children. Our lesson plan is a 2-day a week option that can easily fit your schedule. Typically, it works best to have the same parent teach for the week. Moms who already have their child enrolled in a private preschool program 2 or 3 days a week may still be interested in joining a co-op group on the days their child is at home. Once you have a group formed, purchase an individual membership for each family. You can then logon and view/download lesson plans and printables. Set up a date for your beginning of the year parent meeting. At this meeting you can set up a rotating teaching schedule for which family will host each week throughout the year. Then choose a date for your first day of My LDS Preschool!

    What is a co-op? How does it work?

    A co-op stands for “cooperative.” Parents form a group, or “co-op,” to take turns teaching the children.

    How does it work?
    The teaching parent:

    • Hosts the preschool class at their home
    • Uses the prepared lesson materials and activities

    The non-teaching parents:

    • Simply drop off their kids and return later after the class is over
    How many children do you recommend for a co-op group?

    From our own experiences participating in co-op groups we find a group of 4 to 6 children including your child works best. It’s fun to let each parent take a week teaching about once a month. Larger groups seem like a nice idea to moms who don’t want to teach too often. However when it’s your turn to host a group of 7, 8, or more kids in your home, you will probably feel like your home is chaos and are not able to teach the material very well. When there are 3 to 5 peers for your child to interact with, it makes for a fun preschool group! If many friends are interested, a separate co-op ground can be formed.

    Does the curriculum have a recurring cost?

    No. The preschool curriculum as well as the membership is a one time enrollment fee. You will have lifetime access to the website and preschool lesson plans. Any future or updated material specific to the preschool curriculum is included in the enrollment fee.

    What is the "Individual Curriculum Package?"

    The individual curriculum package is intended for a single family preschool class (i.e. parents using it at home with their own preschool aged children). Co-Op groups should buy individual memberships by family. The family that chooses to buy the package owns the curriculum to use in their own homes with their own children.

    Can our co-op group buy 1 membership and split the price?

    No. Each family participating in the co-op needs to purchase their own family membership. If you research private preschool tuition fees and curriculum options, or even other online preschool curriculums, you will recognize our price is very budget friendly. The My LDS Preschool curriculum can only be legally used by families who paid their membership fee. Please be honest.

    Do I need to have a teaching background to do a home-based preschool with my children or to use the My LDS Preschool curriculum?

    No! We have designed our lesson plans to be easy for busy parents to teach

    Can I teach the curriculum to just my own child?

    Yes! You can certainly teach the curriculum as an individual family and not in a co-op. What wonderful experiences you will have together! The cooperative group is helpful for peer socialization and the rotating teaching schedule is convenient for many parents, but there are also reasons you may not want to participate in a co-op. Perhaps there aren’t any LDS preschool aged children in your area, you would rather not host a group of children in your home, or you want to keep flexibility in your schedule.

    What age group is the curriculum designed to teach?

    Our curriculum was design to target 3 to 5-year-old children.

    Will My LDS Preschool help prepare my child for the kindergarten experience?

    Yes. We focus on fine motor skills, large motor skills, alphabet recognition, handwriting practice, pre-reading skills, language development, math concepts, and social skills.

    What does a My LDS Preschool day look like?

    Our daily lesson plans structure each day to include the following: Welcome activities, circle time, movement activities, story time (including a scripture story of the week and a children’s book of the week), snack time, art projects, free play, ABC time, and math time. We have scheduled each preschool day to last 3 hours. However, we have designed the lesson plans to allow you to easily pick and choose teaching activities should you wish to shorten the day’s lesson.

    What are the benefits for parents?

    Benefits include:

    • Teaching on a rotation schedule
    • Structured lessons
    • Parent and child socialization
    • Extra time with your child in a learning environment
    • Budget friendly
    • Help your child develop a love for the scriptures
    How do I get the curriculum material?

    Once you purchase a My LDS Preschool package, you will be asked to create a logon account that will allow you to access our private resource page where all the lesson plans, printables, help videos, and other materials are located.

    Do I need to print off the lesson plans to use the curriculum or can I use my device to view and teach the lesson plans instead?

    We designed the lesson plans to fit whichever preference you have. Some people enjoy having them printed out, others would rather keep it on their device. Our lesson PDFs have internal bookmarks to make it easy for you to jump between learning activities in the document. You can also use your device to display the poster printables if you wish to avoid printing them as well. Also, our opening and closing songs will be linked from our website for easy retrieval.

    Can I use the My LDS Preschool curriculum in my commercial setting/home business preschool?

    Yes. However each family participating in the preschool needs to purchase their own My LDS Preschool membership before enrolling in your program.

    Is MyLDSPreschool.com affiliated or endorsed by the LDS Church?

    MyLDSPreschool.com is a private effort of individual members of the LDS Church who strive to help other members build homes of faith and learning. Our curriculum, products, services provided, or opinions offered are solely those of MyLDSPreschool.com and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the official website of the LDS Church we encourage you to visit www.lds.org

    This is exactly what I am looking for for my preschooler! Do you have lesson plans for toddlers as well?

    We are currently rolling out our toddler program. Take a look at our Shop tab at http://www.MyLDSPreschool.com/Membership/ for more details and curriculum pricing.

    Is all of your art original?

    Yes. Each picture was hand drawn by our very own artistic staff specifically for My LDS Preschool.

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